Valerio Dewalt Train
Quadro Ceiling Baffles in Oatmeal
Chicago, IL
Tom Harris, Ian Vecchiotti & Francisco Lopez de Arenosa
A fun and energetic working experience at Glassdoor Chicago needed and interior office environment to match. Valerio Dewalt Train knows how to take a brand’s culture to the next level with space planning and interior finishes. We were thrilled to participate in creating the environment Glassdoor was looking for with acoustic ceiling baffles to reduce noise and boost productivity. With competitive pricing and uncomparable lead times, our MUTO products became the go-to solution.
With MUTO Make It Cool. Make It Quiet.

Absorb noise with MUTO Quadro baffles.

Glassdoor is one of the world’s largest job and recruiting companies.
‘We pride ourselves on helping people find a job and company they love; in fact, it’s our mission. Our company was built on the foundation of increasing workplace transparency.’
Get to know Valerio Dewalt Train
‘As a team of designers, we believe in collective intelligence and we thrive through collaboration. Our studio is inclusive, bringing together designers, consultants, stakeholders, and users to build consensus and create visionary solutions.
Curious by nature, our process is focused on discovery, leading to an understanding of the questions design should answer. Discovery begins with interviews and observations, where we identify aspirations alongside concerns, from the top down and bottom up.
The Architecture Studio uses built environments to tell stories, and from there, our Interior Design and Media Objectives studios take it to completion with interiors, experiential designs and branding.’
A few things that matter to Valerio Dewalt Train:
‘Exceeding expectations. Creating healthy buildings that sustain the planet. Designing beautiful experiences.’